((initiation)) is the mailing list for fans of the band Course of Empire. The list is an unmoderated forum in which people can discuss anything related to the band, its members, or musical projects they have pursued since the breakup of Course of Empire. As of 2020, the list still exists but has very low traffic.

To subscribe to the list, send a message to initiation-subscribe@courseofempire.com.

To unsubscribe from the list, send a message to initiation-unsubscribe@courseofempire.com.

To post to the list, send your message to initiation@courseofempire.com. You must be subscribed to the list in order to post.

Archived digests of all past messages (as text files) from January 1996 to June 2003 can be downloaded as a zip file here.

Archived digests starting from September 2003 are no longer available.

Please email me if you have any questions.

The official site
Halls of the Machine